Sharing our experiences can not only be therapeutic and empowering for ourselves, but it can also help others who may be going through a similar experience. Birth stories can offer valuable insight and knowledge about the birth process, which can help demystify childbirth and alleviate some fears for expecting parents. They can also highlight the importance of having a supportive birth team and the different options available for birth. Most importantly, sharing birth stories can help build a sense of community and connection among parents, as they come together to share this incredible and transformative experience. So if you're thinking about sharing your birth story, know that it could have a powerful impact on others and be a meaningful way to reflect on your own journey into parenthood.

mother sits on hospital bed holding new baby with son peaking over to see baby

Nothing has made me more vulnerable than giving birth.

I hope reading our stories will empower you to share yours.

close up of mother baby meeting moments after cesarean birth while still in the operating room